We accept almost all major health insurance plans
(The following is an abbreviated list of carriers we accept)
- Aetna - Provider # 7391816
- Baron Risk Management
- Beech Street
- Benefit Planners
- Blue Cross Blue Shield - Provider # 0064954
- Cigna
- Coventry
- First Health
- Hartford
- HealthFirst/TPA
- HEB Risk Solutions
- Humana
- Mail Handlers
- Medicare
- MedRisk Management
- Railroad Medicare
- San Antonio Employer?s Health Alliance
- *Secure Horizons
- Sedwick-CMS
- Southwest Medical Provider Network
- Texas True Choice
- Three Rivers Provider Network
- **Tricare - Humana Military (Standard, Prime & For Life)
- United Healthcare
- Workers' Compensation (Several Carriers)
If your provider is not listed, please call (210) 647-9970 to verify.
We are happy to make payment arrangements for those who need it.